Monday, 26 May 2014

Brian Goudie - The trolls are back.

Just when you thought it was safe to go back on Blogger!

The low life scumbag trolls are back, and the comments are coming thick and fast!

Many thanks today to +Spinosa +knutsa01 +Ally +samthai +theweapon +jules +tommyweapon +tommythruthsearcher + Spinosaj without whom my case against Google would not be possible.

All the same old rubbish, photoshop photos, fake profiles and anonymous comments.

The internet tough guys are back!

As reported here my friend David Hanks and I have instructed lawyers to file court proceedings against Google - Google are being sued as a 'service provider', for allowing third parties to post unlawful material, and failing to remove it when notified - this is a criminal offence in Thailand under Thailand's tough Computer Crimes Act - in fact internet harassment  is a criminal offence in most countries.

I have read a lot about internet harassment, and there is only one area that I disagree with most of the material I have read - whilst I agree that most trolls are either mentally ill or just evil malicious retards, if it ever comes to real physical comfrontation, dont be too concerned. I have been threatened a number of times, and have been told they will see me when I go to a particular place - I have been threatened with this several times - a particularly nasty troll was +samthai, but his threats all turned out to be hot air.

I actually cornered one of my troll enemies last week after Court, and when I went after him, he locked himself in his car and would not come out - a hero on the internet, but a coward when cornered - and he aint seen nothing yet. This strategy worked for me, but obviously others should carry out a clear risk assessment first.

In the last few days, since  I started posting about trolls, it seems I have created a feeding frenzy, and they are back in force.

Well, not in force, there are we estimate 3 or 4 people with about 3 fake profiles each, and I am getting 4 or 5 comments a day.

 And yes, they are still pathetic.


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