Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Andrew Drummond writing drivel again.

I see my old adversary Andrew Drummond is writing drivel again.

I dont know why he bothers really, he has wrtten the same story at least 50 times now - that can hardly be described as 'news'.

And since Andrew has now been convicted twice this year already of defamation, you would think he would be taking more care.

Apparently, Andrew does not understand how a director of a company in Thailand can be prosecuted for theft of company assets - easy really, a director removes all the company property, sells the items and pockets the money.

In English law it is called wrongful conversion, in Thai it is referred to as embezzlement of company assets under s. 353 of the Criminal Code - it is not the same as theft but is similar.

Andrew is all upset that one of his allies who is an ex member of staff of one of my companies, Boonrod Baikrathok, or Nang, has been told to surrender to Dong Tan police this week when her and two others will be formally charged with theft.

There have been all sorts of moves this week, and lots of interference trying to persuade police not to charge Nang - sorry guys not going to work - Nang will be charged and she will go to Court.

The option still remains open for Nang to simply return company property and there will be no need to take the case forward. She has told police the items were renoved from company premises for 'safekeeping', so obvioualy can be returned?

And this week is just the first case. More to come I suspect.

I would say Nang has had some very, very bad legal advice - it sems even her lawyer has been calling police saying she cant be charged and he will make unspecified 'problems' for police - we will see about that.

Nang of course is innocent until proven guilty and entitled to a defence.

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