Sunday, 3 August 2014

Brian Goudie and Cyber Harassment - The trolls are back again!

Bangkok, 4th August 2014

Just when you thought it was safe to go back on Blogger!

The #cyberharassment continues...........................................

The low life scumbag trolls are back, and the comments are coming thick and fast!

After it was reported that my friend and I #DavidHanks filed a cyber harassment case against Google it has started again!

Many thanks today to +Spinosa +knutsa01 +Ally +samthai +theweapon +jules +tommyweapon +tommythruthsearcher + Spinosaj without whom my case against Google would not be possible - and guess what a subpoena to get your identifying information is now on it's way to Bangkok Central Criminal Court - just sit back and wait for the knock on the door :).

All the same old rubbish, photoshop photos, fake profiles and anonymous comments.

The internet tough guys are back!

As reported here my friend #David Hanks and I have filed court proceedings against Google - Google are being prosecuted as a 'service provider', for allowing third parties to post unlawful material, and failing to remove it when notified - this is a criminal offence in Thailand under Thailand's tough Computer Crimes Act - in fact internet harassment  is a criminal offence in most countries.

I have read a lot about #cyberharassment, and there is only one area that I disagree with most of the material I have read - whilst I agree that most trolls are either mentally ill or just evil malicious retards, if it ever comes to real physical comfrontation, dont be too concerned. I have been threatened a number of times, and have been told they will see me when I go to a particular place - I have been threatened with this several times - a particularly nasty troll was +samthai, but his threats all turned out to be hot air.

I actually cornered one of my troll enemies one time after Court, and when I went after him, he locked himself in his car and would not come out - a hero on the internet, but a coward when cornered - and he aint seen nothing yet. This strategy worked for me, but obviously others should carry out a clear risk assessment first.

In the last few days, since  I started posting about trolls, it seems I have created a feeding frenzy, and they are back in force.

Well, not in force, there are we estimate 3 or 4 people with about 3 fake profiles each, and I am getting 4 or 5 comments a day.

 And yes, they are still pathetic.

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